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Brasil Kirin Invests in Operational Efficiency and Saves 19% Water and 21% Fuel

Eight years ago, the beverage manufacturing company Brasil Kirin, then called Schincariol, decided that it was important to improve efficiency at it´s 13 plants. There, among other problems, water was wasted, around 30,000 products a year left the factory defective, and dozens of employees were involved in accidents.

Among the different methodologies available to improve the situation, the company´s executives chose the Japanese technique Total productive maintenance, or TPM. It is a method that empowers employees to identify waste and losses, and opportunities for improving the operation. The results speak for themselves: between 2008 and 2015, the company registered savings of 19% on water and 21% on fuel usage. The accident rate fell 80%, the equivalent of 250 incidents in a year. Complaints to customer service fell 99% and the productivity at the factories increased 17%, which corresponds to an additional 12 days of production.

Read the full article on Brasil Kirin here:

Trinity Business Solutions is dedicated to increasing productive efficiency by perfecting the OEE indicator as well as dozens of other process KPIs. If you are interested in lean manufacturing technology solutions, please contact us.

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